Trial Deployment
Vitaracharts Plug-in For Thoughtspot
Install Instructions:
This document outlines the installation and setup instructions for the Vitaracharts plugin on Thoughtspot.
Before installation, ensure the following requirements are met:
Admin access to Thoughtspot
Ability to modify security settings
Internet access to connect to *
Access token from VitaraCharts: Customers must request an access token from VitaraCharts before installation, if not already provided. VitaraCharts will generate and provide this token to the customers.
Pre-Install Configuration:
Prior to installation of the charts, the following configuration changes need to be made by the administrator
1. Go to Developer -> All Orgs-> Customisations -> Security settings
2. Add * in ‘Permitted iFrame domains’ and ‘CSP img-src domains’
Installing VitaraCharts in Thoughtspot:
Navigate to the ADMIN page
Click on Chart Customization
Select Custom Charts
Click Add Chart option and fill in the details as follows:
Name: Provide a suitable for the chart from the table below.
Application URL: Retrieve the corresponding URL from the table below.
Access Token: Enter the access token provided by Vitara here.
Icon URL: Retrieve the corresponding Icon URL from the table below.
Application Url
Icon Url
Vitara Bar Chart
Vitara Column
Vitara Line
Vitara Sparkline
Vitara Slope
Vitara Area
Vitara Stacked Bar
Vitara Stacked Column
Vitara Dumbbell
Vitara Tornado
Vitara Funnel
Vitara Pie
Vitara Angular Gauge
Vitara Waffle
Vitara Simple KPI
Vitara KPI Animation
Vitara Grid
Example: Vitara Grid Installation Screenshot
Below is an example screenshot showing the configuration for the Vitara Grid Chart in ThoughtSpot:
Please note that fields highlighted in yellow are mandatory. Refer to the table above for the corresponding charts.
A quick video intro of Vitaracharts for Thoughtspot available here :
After installation, Vitaracharts documentation can be accessed here:
For any questions or issues pertaining to Vitaracharts, contact us
Last updated