Note: Plotlines can be drawn using attributes . All the attributes and data in the chart are listed in the source drop-down box in the plotline editor window. We can choose a source attribute and specify a plotline condition.
Line, area, sparkline, bar, column, stacked bar, stacked column, tornado, slope and dumbbell charts are among the charts that contain this functionality.
Select the measure you wish to base your plotline on from the’source’ drop-down menu under the ‘Plot Lines’ tab in the property editor window.
The plotline editor is seen in the screenshot below. The’source’ drop down box will show attributes added to the category axis drop zone, metrics added to the value drop zone, and metrics added to the tooltip drop zone. As the source, choose an attribute or measure.
Apply the conditions like min, max, avg, first, last, and percentile. Apart from these fixed conditions, you can give a particular value
as input at which you want to draw a plot line.
You can apply colors to plot line, change the plot line width, change the style of the line and title to the plot line. At last click on the ‘Apply’ button.
Plot lines/Reference lines can be used in the ‘source’ field in thresholds.
When we set the plot line in any Vitara chart, the name of the plot line appears in the thresholds tab’s source field. In the thresholds, we can provide plot lines as a source. When we specify a plot line as the ‘Source’ in a threshold, we can include the condition ‘Above the line’ or ‘Below the line’ in the threshold.