Customize the display of numbers in tables and charts by defining their format. This feature allows you to adjust decimal places based on your data modeling preferences, offering various supported number formats, including delimiters.
For integer data types like INT and BIGINT, use #,###, which only accepts numerical values without alpha characters. For decimal data types such as DOUBLE and FLOAT, use #,###.00, supporting numerical values up to two decimal places.
These are some examples of formats you can use:
Stored Value | Format Pattern | Display Value |
12345.6789 | #,##0.## | 12,345.68 |
12345.6789 | #,##0.### | 12,345.679 |
12345.6789 | #,##0.00000 | 12,345.67890 |
12345.6789 | #,##0 | 12,346 |
12345.6789 | #,##0.00 | 12,345.68 |
12345 | #,##0.## | 12,345 |
12345 | #,##0.00 | 12,345.00 |
.12 | #\% | 12% |
.12 | #.00\% | 12.00% |
.1234 | #.##\% | 12.34% |
You can apply number formatting in ThoughtSpot in two ways: