Formatting metric data

Customize the display of numbers in tables and charts by defining their format. This feature allows you to adjust decimal places based on your data modeling preferences, offering various supported number formats, including delimiters.

For integer data types like INT and BIGINT, use #,###, which only accepts numerical values without alpha characters. For decimal data types such as DOUBLE and FLOAT, use #,###.00, supporting numerical values up to two decimal places.

These are some examples of formats you can use:

Stored Value Format Pattern Display Value
12345.6789 #,##0.## 12,345.68
12345.6789 #,##0.### 12,345.679
12345.6789 #,##0.00000 12,345.67890
12345.6789 #,##0 12,346
12345.6789 #,##0.00 12,345.68
12345 #,##0.## 12,345
12345 #,##0.00 12,345.00
.12 #\% 12%
.12 #.00\% 12.00%
.1234 #.##\% 12.34%

You can apply number formatting in ThoughtSpot in two ways:

Using Data Options
  • Select the worksheet where you want to apply number formatting.
  • Open the worksheet and locate the column named “Format Pattern.”
  • Enter the desired format pattern to modify measures and save the changes.



During Answer Creation
  • From the search tab, create an answer using attributes and measures in table format.
  • Apply number formatting to measures.
  • Clicking on any metric formatting option on the right-hand side opens the ‘Edit Chart Configuration’ settings. Here, you can adjust the number formatting settings for your data.

